Data logger - Version Changes

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V4.8 B15 (2-4-2024)

– Bug fix WiFi data sending stalls (affected versions 4.8B11 – 4.8B14).
– Bug fix FTP driver -> Sending camera pictures was disabled when FTP output type was set to sending heartbeats only.

V4.8 B14 (6-2-2024)

– BLE-driver -> Important bug fix! Starting from FW 4.6B1, it has become apparent that the ML-OU-BLE board is responsible for a high quiescent current, potentially resulting in the premature depletion of batteries.

V4.8 B13 (17-1-2024)

– MQTT driver -> Sparkplug-B protocol adapted to report data quality (GOOD, BAD and STALLED).
– Bug fix data alarms driver -> Suppressing the unnecessary second measurement run directly after a data alarm occurrence.
– Bug fix digital pulse driver -> Preventing data logger to wait until next scheduled datalog interval when a unscheduled datalog was activated by alarm occurrence.

V4.8 B10 (8-11-2023)

– HTTP driver -> The Extended path edit field now supports substitution tokens for amongst others device serial number and name.
– Analog sensors -> One of the analog inputs can be used for digital and/or dead-band triggered 100Hz burst recording to capture up to 5 seconds of a signal transition in detail.

V4.8 B8 (28-9-2023)

– Auxiliary input option board drivers -> 100ms wake-up delay added before addressing ML-OI-AX option boards to prevent board detection errors.
– Network signal sensor driver -> Selection of sample log interval less than data log interval or 1 minute inhibited.

V4.8 B7 (31-8-2023)

– Bug fix digital pulse driver -> The Mean Rate is restored to previous implementation which was correct for aggregation use (see V4.8B5).
– Modem driver -> Automatic Network deregister and register mechanism implemented to cope with sudden network subscribing issues.
– FTP driver -> Automatic switching from active to passive FTP mode only done after 5 consecutive errors to rule out incidental Network drops.
– MODBUS sensor driver -> Timeout enlarged from 1.5 to 3 seconds.

V4.8 B6 (1-8-2023)

– Bug fix FTP -> The ME910C1-WW Modem gives “#FTPSIZE: 0” instead of “File not found” error messages and causes the state machine to go to the wrong state.
– Bug fix aggregations driver -> Suppressing error log message “Aggregations;Has invalid data” when aggregations are not even used.

V4.8 B5 (25-7-2023)

– Modem driver -> Network registration timeout enlarged from 2 to 3 minutes to cope with roaming delays.
– Modem driver -> For CHAP authentication on 4G modems we have replaced the obsolete AT#GAUTH command with the preferred AT+CGAUTH or AT#PDPAUTH commands.
– Bug fix digital pulse driver -> When the sample rate is not equal to the data log interval the Mean Rate was calculated wrongly.
– Created ‘S’ystem log messages for drivers with invalid data (*I) like: “S;230703154200;INV;HART inputs;Has invalid data”.

V4.8 B3 (28-6-2023)

– HTTP driver -> Security options “Token” and “Custom Header” authorization implemented
– Activation of the sensor power adjusted with two start pulses to prevent the sensor power being switched off due to sensors with a high capacitance.
– Digital alarm input driver -> Trigger delay option time enlarged to maximum 1 hour.
– Bug fix digital pulse driver -> When an Alarm is set on a sample rate in between the data log interval, Max/Min and Mean Rate were cleared wrongly.
– Bug fix virtual serial port tunnel driver -> Warm up time not taken into consideration for the normal pre wake up time.
– Bug fix digital alarm input driver -> Alarm state did not reflect proper text (Showing “Not recent” or “Invalid”) when never activated.

V4.8 B1 (30-5-2023)

– Digital Alarm output driver -> Parameters added to count alarm activations and durations
– Digital Alarm output driver -> Mode added to make or break the output on alarm
– Bug fix MQTT driver -> Long diagnostic messages could cause erratic behavior during SparkplugB sessions.

V4.7 B6 (8-5-2023)

– Modem output -> Modem output suspended when the LFP battery is too low (< 3.1 Volts) to allow the LFP battery to charge and prevent damage to the modem
– Bug fix aggregated channels driver -> Rare rate of change parameter spike anomaly fixed
– Bug fix CSV output format -> Event/System messages formatted as quoted text to prevent a field separator in the text from adding additional columns
– Bug fix DAS output format -> Converting the occasionally occurring comma to decimal point in event/system messages as the comma is a field separator

V4.7 B4 (22-3-2023)

– Information (“I”) record added for YDOC data format with Logger identification, IMEI and SIM ID’s
– FTP driver -> Code for uploading files changed, because some FTP servers don’t allow wild-cards (*) anymore
– Bug fix FTP driver -> Automatic uploading files didn’t work when also sending camera jpeg files
– Bug fix FTP driver -> LE910C1-EU Modem didn’t work on some passive FTP servers with TLS security and firewall settings

V4.7 B1 (12-1-2023)

– Swarm satellite -> Camera picture sending on alarm, digital trigger or on daily basis
– Calculated channels driver -> Functions “or”, “and”, “xor” and parameter alarm status (ALR) added
– General settings -> Option added for instant data log and output on startup or configuration change (default is off)
– Wifi driver -> HTTP Azure-IoT SAS enabled
– All output drivers -> Send delay’s will also be used when alarm mode is active
– SDI12 sensor driver -> 10 msec inter command delay added to cope with slow acting sensors
– Hardware watchdog feature enabled in addition to the various existing software watchdogs
– Power sensor -> Code added to support both INA234 & INA219 power sensors

V4.6 B11 (14-10-2022)

– Work-around Swarm driver -> Swarm anti-stall function implemented.
– Work-around Modem driver -> Made auto IPv4/IPv6 selection an optional feature to avoid issues when resolving domain names.
– Bug fix MQTT driver -> SparkplugB aliases were not system wide unique.
– Bug fix Modem driver -> Internet activation procedure adapted to cope with changes to the FTP stack of the latest ME910G1 modem FW.

V4.6 B9 (9-9-2022)

– Camera driver -> Pictures taking on log interval and/or at any alarm and/or at digital trigger
– SSL/TLS security -> TLS V1.3 support added for ME910G1 Modems
– FTP driver -> FTP transfer closing eased to cope with long (NB-IoT) latencies to avoid file truncation
– Bug fix remote connection -> Deadlock solved when entering Modem settings menu while connected remotely (also via wifi)
– Bug fix USB interface -> Incidental repeated watchdog reset in operational mode with USB cable unattended connected to PC is solved

V4.6 B5 (1-8-2022)

– Code adapted to support 4G modem LE910C1-EU (ML-E417)
– Code improved for Bluetooth user interface option board (ML-OU-BLE)
– Code improved for aggregation functions (double precision floating point calculations used instead of single precision)
– FTP driver -> File size verification optimized by resending file in case of premature connection loss when checking file size
– Bug fix Wifi driver -> 4 seconds delay added before server connection to avoid connection errors and retries
– Modem IP protocol -> Automatic selection for IPV4V6 disabled when 4G Modem is on fixed 2G/3G or on fallback modes

V4.6 B4 (28-6-2022)

– Bug fix Wifi driver -> Warm up time enlarged from 2 to 3 seconds (latest uBlox wifi modules need more warm up).
– Bug fix Modem driver -> Incidental Modem driver lock up due to incidental missing transmit completed interrupt

V4.6 B2 (8-6-2022)

– Configuration -> Feature added to upload partial configuration changes by means of small JSON objects (snippets).
– Modem driver -> IPv6 enabled (Automatic selection between IPv4/6).
– Modem driver -> SNI(Server Name Indication) for ML-417 enabled.
– Modem driver -> CHAP AUTH2 enabled.
– GPS driver -> Feature added to calculate drift in meters from deployment position.
– FTP driver -> Feature added to read input parameters by FTP.
– BLE driver -> Code improved to handle unexpected connection loss during configuration.

V4.5 B2 (14-4-2022)

– FTP driver -> OTA configuration update and firmware upgrade feature added.
– MQTT driver -> Sparkplug-B data format option added.
– MQTT driver -> Client ID length increased from 23 to 47 characters.
– MODBUS driver -> Feature added to perform an (occasional) maintenance command (e.g. a wiper action).
– Battery (protection & lifespan) -> LiFePO4 battery overcharge protection enhanced.
– Option boards -> Board to board communication performance improved.

V4.4 B6 (1-12-2021)

– SD card clock speed increased for logging at 10 Hz to reduce data gaps
– Swarm satellite modem driver improved to reduce power consumption
– Bug fix for high speed aggregations and alarm sampling regarding high power consumption
– Bug fix ML-OI-COM-RS485 drivers -> Code improved by fast switching to receive mode to avoid losing first bytes from fast responding devices
– Bug fix Wifi output driver -> MQTT stalled when publishing firmware upgrade or configuration uploads via option board (ML-OA-WIFI)

V4.4 B4 (30-9-2021)

– FTP driver -> File transfer verification can be switched-off for systems instantly processing/deleting/moving transfered files.
– Modem/WiFi output drivers -> Repetitive transfers in chunks when exceeding max payload setting.
– Modem settings -> Option added (FWSWITCH) to load custom FW for AT&T (US), Verizon (US) or Telstra (AU) if applicable.
– Bug fix output drivers -> Drivers enhanced to avoid occasional transfer errors with 100K+ files due to wrong size reports.
– Bug fix FTP driver -> Driver enhanced to avoid occasional file truncation for ML-417’s with ME910C1-WW modem.
– Bug fix Modem driver -> Warm-up time enlarged to avoid occasional SIM errors for ML-417’s with ME910C1-WW modem.

V4.4 B3 (1-9-2021)

– Maintenance menu -> Option added to be able to perform a remote (GSM/WiFi/BLE) reboot of the logger and option boards
– WiFi output driver -> WiFi routers scan added (ML-OA-WIFI, WiFi accessory output board)
– Improved Bluetooth LE connection handling (ML-OU-BLE, wireless user interface board)

V4.4 B1 (14-7-2021)

– Driver added for PT1000 thermistors input board (ML-OI-AD-PT1000)
– Digital pulse input driver -> Option added to set 1 msec anti bounce filter (only for low frequency pulses)
– Digital state input driver -> Option added to log each state change event (in previous versions it was always on)
– Network signal sensor driver -> Parameters “Radio channel code” (ARFCN) and “Operator PLMN code” added
– Quicker startup -> You don’t have to wait for Modem to be ready before entering the Menu’s
– Bug fix FTP driver -> 10 msec delay added prior to FTPOPEN command for ME910C1-WW modem to avoid “context not opened” error

V4.3 B10 (27-5-2021)

– Bug fix to avoid parasitic power drawn from SD-cards while in sleep. This bug, impacting the battery life of LI and 3LI powered data loggers, was introduced in FW 4.1B2.

V4.3 B9 (14-5-2021)

– Modem settings -> NB-IoT technology for ML-417 enabled.
– Bug fix FTP driver -> FTP terminal link request timeout enlarged to accommodate to high network latencies.
– Bug fix calculated channels driver -> Parameter attribute AGE incorrectly stopped counting on a sensor timeout (WDT).
– Bug fix aggregated channels driver -> Wrong aggregation period evaluation, introduced since V4.2B2 due to adding the “Percentage of change” and “Rate of change” parameters.
– Bug fix SDI12 sensor driver -> Skipping the break signal when sensors are sending a break signal before responding to aDx! commands.

V4.3 B3 (5-3-2021)

– HTTP driver -> “Connection: keep-alive” added to HTTP headers to prevent premature disconnects by a HTTP-server before receiving its response.
– Output drivers -> Random send delay option added (in addition to the fixed send delay) to ease out server load, preventing data loggers to connect all simultaneously.

V4.3 B1 (17-2-2021)

– Com port tunnel driver added for MQTT pass-through commands
– Swarm satellite modem driver added for accessory board (ML-AB-TILE)
– MODBUS sensor driver -> Data type floating point double precision (8 bytes IEEE 754) added
– General settings -> Option added to select used power supply board

V4.2 B5 (5-1-2021)

– APN registration -> Modem stored APN (CGDCONT) checked and rewritten/cleared when necessary only

V4.2 B5 (21-12-2020)

– General settings -> Deployment end date and time added to suspend all operations
– HTTP driver -> Azure-IoT Shared Access Token authorization added
– Bug fix ML-OA-RS232 drivers -> Power control switch for ML-OP-524 was switched off directly after warm up was finished (affected versions FW4.x)
– Bug fix internal sensors driver -> Preventing firmware to hang when internal voltage/current sensor is broken
– Bug fix -> Calculations & Aggregations did not work properly for parameters with an independent log interval

V4.2 B3 (12-11-2020)

– Aggregated channels driver -> “Percentage of change” and “Rate of change (unit/h)” parameters added
– Auxiliary input/output boards -> Possibility enabled to allow a board to read its settings from the logger configuration storage, making board exchange or mass deployment easy
– Send delay will be skipped on data alarm, digital alarm or digital trigger when “Direct data output on data alarm” is set
– JSON data format -> IMEI number and SIM ID added at the “device” line when send by Modem
– Bug fix TCP terminal tunnel -> Data exchange timeout for Modem enlarged from 90 sec to 3 minutes
– Bug fix auxiliary output boards (ML-OO) -> Don’t wait for parameters with independent data log interval to be updated

V4.2 B1 (12-10-2020)

– SDI12 sensor driver -> Option added to send “wake up preambles” for sensors with low power sleep mode
– Digital pulse and state driver -> Daily counter reset adjusted on a minute basis
– MQTT driver -> Option added to omit subtopics
– Email driver -> Alarm emails and data emails enabled for LE910-AP and ME910G1-W1 Modems (data in body only)
– Email driver -> Data container option added (email body (max 1500 bytes) or email attachment)
– FTP driver -> Option added to enable file size verification for FTP servers that does not delete files too quickly (at least 3 seconds required)
– All output drivers -> Send delay will be skipped when alarm mode is active
– Bug fix remote login -> The logger may hang when accessing the Modem settings menu remotely

V4.1 B4 (07-08-2020)

– Bug fix RS485 -> Port modes “RS485 8N2” and “RS485 7E1” did not work
– SD Card test -> Manufacturer ID, OEM ID and product name added

V4.1 B2 (22-07-2020)

– Data output flags added, to specify the data output(s) for a Parameter (Modem, Wifi, Satellite, Radio, ASCII, Auxiliary (OB1/OB2)
– Display driver -> Flashing patience text “Retrieving Data” when building a trend (max 30s).
– FTP driver -> CID id added to AT#FTPOPEN for ME910C1-WW Modem using Verizon
– Code adapted to support 4G modem ME910G1 (ML-417 without 2G fallback)

V4.0 B7 (5-06-2020)

FTP driver -> Modification to cope with FTP servers that removes the data file immediately after transfer while data logger still busy verifying transferred file size

V4.0 B6 (2-06-2020)

– Improved SD-card handling
– Calculated channels driver -> Parameter attribute .AGE added (seconds since last successful measurement)
– Camera driver -> Daily operating time slot added (e.g to take pictures during day light only)
– Battery (protection & lifespan) -> Rechargeable LFP (LiFePo4) batteries added
– Users & Rights option added instead of only one local password
– Driver added for auxiliary output boards (ML-OO)
– Port selection “4..20 mA” added for analog option board ML-OI-AD-20mA
– Digital pulse and trigger drivers -> Option added to trigger also on rising edge (previous it was only falling edge)
– Parameter overview menu reorganized with direct parameter editing and sorting
– Parameter data transpond setting changed in data output flags with flag options: Modem, Wifi, Satellite, Radio, ASCII, Auxiliary (OB1/OB2)

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