Option boards
Collect the right data with our option boards
Option boards to customize your data logger
Option boards can be used to add additional inputs/features to an ML-417 data logger or to perform signal conditioning. You can mechanically stack up to 3 option boards, but only one board per category ID (CID). Some boards come with a switch to choose a different CID, so you can stack multiple similar boards.
Converter(OC) or Power (OP) boards don’t have CID’s and you can stack as many OC/OP-boards as mechanical feasible. OC-boards don’t make use of the internal control bus, but are wired to existing inputs/outputs/ports.
For detailed info, please consult the option board manual.

Option board category
Analog inputs (CID: 0x48 & 0x49)
ML-OI-AD-80MV, Dual channel 16-bit differential input , e.g. to connect pyranometers or load-cells.
- ±80mV
- ±40mV
- ±20mV
- ±10mV
1. In 1 (+)
2. In 1 (-)
3. In 2 (+)
4. In 2 (-)
5. Excitation (5V @80mA)
6. Ground
7. CID selector
ML-OI-AD-2000MV, Dual channel 16-bit differential input Dual channel 16-bit differential input, e.g. to connect thermistors or pH-probes.
- ±2000mV
- ±1000mV
- ±500mV
- ±250mV
1. In 1 (+)
2. In 1 (-)
3. In 2 (+)
4. In 2 (-)
5. Excitation (5V @80mA)
6. Ground
7. CID selector
ML-OI-AD-10V, Quad channel 15-bit single ended input.
- 0 … 10V
- 0 … 5V
- 0 … 2.5V
- 0 … 1.25V
1. Input 1
2. Input 2
3. Input 3
4. Input 4
5. Excitation (12V)
6. Ground
7. CID selector
ML-OI-AD-2000MV, Dual channel 16-bit differential input Dual channel 16-bit differential input, e.g. to connect thermistors or pH-probes.
ML-OI-AD-20MA, Quad channel 15-bit single ended input.
- 0/4 … 20mA
1. Input 1
2. Input 2
3. Input 3
4. Input 4
5. Excitation (12V)
6. Ground
7. CID selector
ML-OI-AD-PT1000, Dual channel 2 or 3-wire PT1000 input
- -40…+85°C (±1.5°C)
- -20…+40°C (±1°C)
- On user calibration:
- -40…+85°C (±0.5°C)
1. In 1(+)
2. In 1(-)
3. In 1(-)
4. In 2(+)
5. In 2(-)
6. In 2(-)
7. Wire selector
8. CID selector
Auxiliary inputs (CID: 0x46 & 0x47)
ML-OI-AX-DI, to add four more digital inputs
States: 0/1
Max counter: 16777216
Max input voltage: 5V
Max frequency: 500Hz
1. Input 1
2. Input 2
3. Input 3
4. Input 4
5. Ground
6. Backup batt.
7. CID selector
ML-OI-AX-DS18B20, to connect up to four 1-Wire digital thermometers.
Supported chips:
DS1820, DS18B20, DS18S20, DS1822, DS1920
1. Input 1
2. Input 2
3. Input 3
4. Input 4
5. Excitation (3.6V)
6. Ground
7. CID selector
ML-OI-AX-HART, Octo channel HART input
Supports multi-drop topology to connect multiple sensors divided over max 8 input channels.
1. Loop (+)
2. Loop (-)
3. Excitation (12V)
4. CID selector
ML-OI-AX-RH, to connect an external I2C based humidity sensor
Supported chips (* since V1.04):
BME280* (Bosch)
ChipCap2 (Amphenol)
SHT3x, SHT4x* (Sensirion)
Note: We recommend a cable length of max 0.5m.
1. SCL
2. SDA
3. Excitation (3.6V)
4. Ground
5. CID selector
Auxiliary outputs (CID: 0x50 & 0x51)
ML-OO-MODBUS, MODBUS/RTU auxiliary output board MODBUS Slave To share sensor readings with your local SCADA system.
- 32 floating-point values
- 4800…38k4 bps
1. RS485 A+
2. RS485 B-
3. Ground
4. CID selector
ML-OO-SW, digital output board Galvanic isolated switches To add three galvanic isolated switches with potential free contacts
- ±100V
- ±200mA
1. Contact 1a
2. Contact 1b
3. Contact 2a
4. Contact 2b
5. Contact 3a
6. Contact 3b
7. CID selector
Serial input ports (CID: 0x4C)
ML-OI-COM-UART, Serial sensor input (UART) to connect sensors with TTL UART port
- 300…230k4 bps
- Tx (0…3.3V)
- Rx (0…5V)
1. Excitation (3.3V)
2. Transmit
3. Receive
4. Ground
ML-OI-COM-RS232, Serial sensor input (RS232) a/o to connect an NMEA-0183 transponder
- 300…230k4 bps
1. Excitation (12V)
2. Transmit
3. Receive
4. Ground
ML-OI-COM-RS485, Serial sensor input (RS485) a/o to connect a MODBUS/RTU sensor
- 300…230k4 bps
1. Excitation (12V)
2. RS485 A+
3. RS485 B-
4. Ground
ML-OI-COM-SDI12, SDI-12 sensor input
1. Excitation (12V)
2. Ground
3. Data
ML-OU-BLE, Bluetooth LE user interface. To enable wireless local access.
- <160m
- +4dBm transmit power
- -92dBm sensitivity
Accessory boards (CID: 0x4D)
ML-OA-RS232, RS232 Accessory board. To add a secondary accessory to an ML-417ADS (e.g. to add a second camera)
- Off/On (0/3.6V)
- 300…230k4 bps
1. Control output (0/3.6V)
2. Transmit
3. Receive
4. Ground
ML-OA-WIFI, WiFi accessory board, WiFi interface To transfer log files by WiFi (TCP, MQTT, E-mail & HTTP)
- <400m
- +19dBm transmit power
- -96dBm sensitivity
- IEEE 802.11b/n/g
ML-OI-BARO, Atmospheric pressure & temperature sensor a/o to compensate readings of level sensors
- 300…1200hPa (±2hPa)
- -30…+70°C (±1°C)
ML-OC-W2P, Waveform to digital pulse converter. Converts a Sine form to a digital pulse to connect flow or anemo-meters with a passive coil output.
- 0…10kHz
- 80mV…24V RMS input
- Off/On (0.1/3.6V) output
1. Coil in (+)
2. Coil in (-)
3. Pulse out
ML-OP-524, additional power for sensors or standalone power supply. Power switches “on” in parallel with the standard data logger sensor power, from an external control signal or continuously.
- 5V@300mA, 12V@200mA
- or 24V@100mA
- Off/On: 0/3…24V
- 3.6V (from batteries)
1&2, Power output
3&4, Ground
5. Control input
6. 3.6V supply
7. Volt selector
8. Control mode
Discover the possibilities
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