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Emergency Restore the SD card

Q: How to restore Firmware and /or a Configuration on the SD card.

When a SD card has “died”, the password has been forgotten or installing more Data Loggers with the same configuration, installation or “emergency repair” can be done directly on a new SD card.

Pre required:

  • Windows PC (or Lap-Top) with USB port, USB cable, SD card slot and YdocTerminal installed
  • Fresh, formatted SD card. (Maximum supported size is 32 Gb)
  • A working Data Logger configuration, downloaded to the Windows PC or a backup configuration available on the PC
  • The latest firmware version, to be downloaded from our website on the Windows PC

A: If no working configuration is available, build a configuration file on a working Data Logger and download it (using YdocTerminal) to your Windows PC.

Get the Latest Firmware from our website and download it to your Windows PC.

Insert a fresh SD card into your Windows PC SD card slot and format the card.

Place the configuration file on the SD card (root directory), named “erase.cfg” and the firmware file named “restore.bin”.

Disconnect the SD card from Windows file system (Remove device safe), and remove the SD card from the PC card slot.

Ensure the Data Logger is powered off and insert the SD card into the Data Logger.

Power up the Data Logger and connect a USB cable, and (using YdocTerminal) check the restored configuration.

C: Information on SD cards, check Chapter “SD card” in the Data Logger Manual.

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