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  5. Usage of alarming levels low-low .. High-high

Usage of alarming levels low-low .. High-high

Q: Usage of alarming levels low-low .. High-high

A: An alarm on a specific level (low-low .. high-high) can be generated.

This example is showing how to trigger the camera when “High level” is reached.

First, setup the parameter with the desired level(s) and hysteresis.

This example is showing parameter “Level”, with “high limit” and “High-high limit” configured, a hysteresis is added to reset the alarm condition.

Use a “Calculation channel” to extract the desired Alarming level.

ALR selection:

  • and(<param>.ARL;1) = low-low
  • and(<param>.ALR;2) = low
  • and(<param>.ALR;4) = high
  • and(<param>.ALR;8) = high-high

To use “High level” create this calculation:

Now, the Calculation Channel output “Warning picture” can be used to trigger the camera.

T: Check this blog for a complex camera example.

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