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How to make a support request

Q: How to make a support request

A: Before dropping a support request, check if the data logger firmware is the latest version. If not, upgrade your firmware and test if the problem persists. If so, send a mail at our support site: mailto:support@ydoc.biz.

T: The latest firmware version can be found  at our website at the resources page,

section DataLogger Firmware.

To facilitate the problem analysis, include this information:

  • Data Logger type, firmware version and if available, serial number.
  • For configuration problems, add the configuration file. (When password protected, the also the password).
  • Problem description.
  • If applicable: Describe the actions taken to resolve the problem.
  • If (a part of) the data logger file is send for examination, use “ydoc” data format (0), when extracting the log file from the data logger.

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