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Four principles of Data Sampling

Q: How are the “Normal Log Interval” and “Alarm Log Interval” and “Continuous Alarm Sampling” related?

A: There are four principles of Data Sampling, shown in this graphic:

C: Sections for “Intervals”, “Data Log Interval”, “Alarm Settings” and “Alarm Mode”. (Data Logger Manual)

Per – Parameter, you can define limits and delays to refine your Alarm Needs.


Normal sample interval
The normal interval must be greater than the alarm interval
and can’t be greater than the normal data log interval

Independent alarm sample log interval
The alarm interval must be less than the normal interval

C: Data Log Interval, Alarm Mode Interval. (Data Logger Manual).

It is done while setting up the parameter.

T: For quick testing, set-up an Analog Input using a potmeter. (Example wiring can be found here).

Set up the generic Data Log Interval to 1 hour in General Settings.

Use [3] to setup the normal and alarm sample interval

Enable Alarm log [B]

Use [5] to define high and-or low alarm levels and hysteresis. (For Alarm Reset)

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