Q: “Access denied” (when using SFTP /HTTPS) to a secure (web)server.
A: Secure access depends on server implemented TLS version and Cyphers.
T: Check webserver TLS and Cypher availability can be obtained using this website:
Enter the <fqdn> : <server port> combination

A list with supported TLS versions and available cyphers is generated and can be used to select an valid option to build a secure connection.

On a Windows environment, openssl.exe can be installed for a command line version tool.
C:> openssl.exe s_client -connect <broker address>:<port>
The ME910 (WW type) modem on a ML-417xxx Data Logger supports TLS version 1.3. (With fallback to a lower version). Only the cypher sets should be checked.
Other modems types are supporting maximum TLS version 1.2.
The (ftp or web) server must support a minimum TLS version 1.2.
To check and change TLS version, use the COM option from maintenance menu to connect to the modem and execute the AT#SSLSECCFG2 command.
The AT#SSLSECCFG command is used to specify which cipher suite the (web)server prefers to secure a TLS connection with.